Work Packages
Work Packages01
BIOPOLIS CoE Management
Initially the focus of this WP will be to legally create BIOPOLIS CoE as a Non-profit Scientific Association, and to establish its initial management structure, procedures and relevant support mechanism, creating conditions to ensure full autonomy. In the second phase of this WP, it will be implemented the management strategy and code of procedures of the CoE, to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements, and promote best practice in all activities and processes, in the context of long-term financial sustainability (see WP8).
Initially the focus of this WP will be to legally create BIOPOLIS CoE as a Non-profit Scientific Association, and to establish its initial management structure, procedures and relevant support mechanism, creating conditions to ensure full autonomy. In the second phase of this WP, it will be implemented the management strategy and code of procedures of the CoE, to comply with all legal and regulatory requirements, and promote best practice in all activities and processes, in the context of long-term financial sustainability (see WP8).
Work Packages02
Recruitment and Management of Human Resources
To tackle all aspects of HR management at individual, team and organization levels, including the recruitment of staff, so that the CoE has a well taken care of staff, fully committed to its development.
To tackle all aspects of HR management at individual, team and organization levels, including the recruitment of staff, so that the CoE has a well taken care of staff, fully committed to its development.
Work Packages03
Infrastructures and equipment management
To set up the procedures for the management of equipment and infrastructures of the CoE, and to implement and monitor such procedures over time.
To set up the procedures for the management of equipment and infrastructures of the CoE, and to implement and monitor such procedures over time.
Work Packages04
Operationalisation of the Research Programme
To implement and monitor the BIOPOLIS Research Programme in close collaboration with UM, thereby ensuring the development of excellent research towards innovation, the alignment of research with the objectives of the CoE, and the necessary links with the PhD and Post-doctoral training Programmes, the network of stakeholders and business partners, and the wider society at large.
To implement and monitor the BIOPOLIS Research Programme in close collaboration with UM, thereby ensuring the development of excellent research towards innovation, the alignment of research with the objectives of the CoE, and the necessary links with the PhD and Post-doctoral training Programmes, the network of stakeholders and business partners, and the wider society at large.
Work Packages05
Education and Training
To set up, implement and monitor the Education and Training Programmes of BIOPOLIS CoE, thereby contributing to train a new generation of highly-skilled researchers and providing continuous development opportunities for established researchers and practitioners.
To set up, implement and monitor the Education and Training Programmes of BIOPOLIS CoE, thereby contributing to train a new generation of highly-skilled researchers and providing continuous development opportunities for established researchers and practitioners.
Work Packages06
Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation
To (i) ensure smooth internal communication within the CoE; and (ii) increase the visibility and impact of BIOPOLIS research and innovation among the scientific community, stakeholders the general public.
To (i) ensure smooth internal communication within the CoE; and (ii) increase the visibility and impact of BIOPOLIS research and innovation among the scientific community, stakeholders the general public.
Work Packages07
BIOPOLIS CoE Affiliates Programme
To design and implement an Affiliates Programme, which will engage stakeholders and nurture their relationship with BIOPOLIS over time, contributing to align research with societal needs (WP4), implement the CD&E Plan (WP6), and assuring long term sustainability through continued support of stakeholders.
To design and implement an Affiliates Programme, which will engage stakeholders and nurture their relationship with BIOPOLIS over time, contributing to align research with societal needs (WP4), implement the CD&E Plan (WP6), and assuring long term sustainability through continued support of stakeholders.
Work Packages08
BIOPOLIS CoE Sustainability
To streamline a set of actions and activities that will assure the independence, self-funding and long- term delivery of excellent research and innovation on a sustainable basis.
To streamline a set of actions and activities that will assure the independence, self-funding and long- term delivery of excellent research and innovation on a sustainable basis.
Work Packages09
Quality Assurance, Monitoring and Evaluation
This WP aims to design and implement a Quality Assurance system at BIOPOLIS CoE, to monitor and evaluate achievements and impacts through selected indicators, and to monitor and mitigate risks.
This WP aims to design and implement a Quality Assurance system at BIOPOLIS CoE, to monitor and evaluate achievements and impacts through selected indicators, and to monitor and mitigate risks.
Work Packages10
BIOPOLIS Teaming Project Management and Coordination
The objective of this task is to establish and implement effective administrative and management procedures within the project consortium, the mechanisms for a timely and efficient reporting to the European Commission, and the independent evaluation of project’s procedures and outcomes.
The objective of this task is to establish and implement effective administrative and management procedures within the project consortium, the mechanisms for a timely and efficient reporting to the European Commission, and the independent evaluation of project’s procedures and outcomes.
Work Packages11
Ethics requirements
The objective is to ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.
The objective is to ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.