MISTRAL - Montpellier International School on ion and water TRAnsport in pLants
1 - 12 July 2024
In higher plants, autotrophy and biomass production involve assimilation of CO2 from the atmosphere, as well as uptake and transport of mineral nutrients and water from the soil. Gaining fundamental knowledge on the uptake and transport functions is becoming of crucial importance. Indeed, the agricultural practices developed since the Green Revolution at the beginning of the 1960's, were based on the combined use of high-yielding genotypes and high inputs (e.g., irrigation water and fertilizers). Owing to global issues related to the changing environment, these methodologies have to be revised towards the production of more water- and nutrient-efficient genotypes, due to the need for ecological intensification of agroecosystems, as well as the global changes we are now facing. Furthermore, increasing plant retention of beneficial mineral micronutrients, such as Fe, Zn, Mg or Se, while reducing retention of toxic minerals, such as Cd and As, is a major objective to improve the nutritional value of crop-derived food, potentially enhancing human health. The biology of ion and water transport in plants involves specific concepts and methods that are generally not acquired during classical Master and PhD studies.
July 01st, 2024
IPSiM, Montpellier, France (Face-to-face)

1 - 12 July 2024
In higher plants, autotrophy and biomass production involve assimilation of CO2 from the atmosphere, as well as uptake and transport of mineral nutrients and water from the soil. Gaining fundamental knowledge on the uptake and transport functions is becoming of crucial importance. Indeed, the agricultural practices developed since the Green Revolution at the beginning of the 1960's, were based on the combined use of high-yielding genotypes and high inputs (e.g., irrigation water and fertilizers). Owing to global issues related to the changing environment, these methodologies have to be revised towards the production of more water- and nutrient-efficient genotypes, due to the need for ecological intensification of agroecosystems, as well as the global changes we are now facing. Furthermore, increasing plant retention of beneficial mineral micronutrients, such as Fe, Zn, Mg or Se, while reducing retention of toxic minerals, such as Cd and As, is a major objective to improve the nutritional value of crop-derived food, potentially enhancing human health. The biology of ion and water transport in plants involves specific concepts and methods that are generally not acquired during classical Master and PhD studies.
The MISTRAL is a summer school for young researchers whose pedagogical program concerns the study of molecular mechanisms ensuring and regulating the transport of water and nutrient ions (e.g., nitrate, phosphate, potassium, iron, heavy metals) in plants, and the roles of these mechanisms in the adaptation of the plant to its abiotic environment (e.g., nutritional deficiencies, hydric stress) and in the communication with the beneficial micro-organisms in the soil. The objective of this school is to train young researchers, (postdocs, PhD candidates and last year MSc students) in the theory and analytical techniques for the study of the function of ion and water transport in plants.
The BIOPOLIS "Education, Research and Outreach” program will fund the attendance of 5 members from BIOPOLIS-CIBIO to the MISTRAL Summer School by covering all expenses, including travel from Porto to Montpellier and back (flight), registration for the Mistral school (including accommodation, part of the meals and teaching fees), and meals not included in the registration fees.
The candidate selection will be based on the CV (60%) and motivation letter (40%). Priority will be given to PhD students.
Application deadline: May 30, 2024
To apply, please fill the form available HERE
Ana Assunção, BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Porto, Portugal
Herlander Azevedo, BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Porto, Portugal
Pedro Humberto Castro, BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Porto, Portugal | Local coordinator
Results for the selection process will be announced by June 7. Below you will find extended information for the MISTRAL Summer School.
The MISTRAL program strongly relies on the specific skills and platforms of the Institute for Plant Sciences of Montpellier (IPSiM), University of Montpellier. Half time will be devoted to the courses/conferences and half time to the practical training. The lectures and practicals classes will be coordinated by more than twenty researchers, engineers and technicians from IPSiM, and few experts from outside IPSIM with specific seminars.
Additional information: https://mistral.workshop.inrae.fr/
Day 1 | Monday July 1
08:30-09:00 Welcome
9:00-10:00 History of concepts and approaches in plant mineral nutrition and membrane transport (Hervé Sentenac)
10:15-12:15 Biophysics of ion diffusion in water and across a membrane (Alexis de Angeli)
13:45-15:45 Biophysics of water transport (Christophe Maurel)
16:00-17:30 Self-presentation / expectations of attendees
17:30-19:00 POSTER SESSION
Day 2 | Tuesday July 2
8:45-9:45 Tools and techniques used in electrophysiology (Anne-Aliénor Véry)
9:45-10:45 Heterologous expression systems (Anne-Aliénor Véry)
11:00-12:00 The use of analytical chemistry and imaging approaches to study iron (and other metals) transport in plants (Stephane Mari)
14:00-15:00 Yeast as a versatile heterologous expression system for the characterization of transporter functions and regulations (Léon Dirick, Florence Vignols)
15:00-16:00 Quantitative live cell imaging in plants (Alexandre Martinière-Delaunay)
16:15-18:15 Regulation of membrane transport by post-translational modifications (Laurence Lejay & Véronique Santoni)
18:30-19:30 Round table
Day 3 | Wednesday July 3
09:15-10:15 Nitrogen and Phosphorus interactions in plants: molecular and physiology aspects (Anna Medici)
10:15-11:15 Deciphering the molecular mechanisms regulating iron homeostasis in plants (Christian Dubos)
13:30-18:30 Start of SESSION 1 of PRACTICAL WORKSHOP
Day 4 | Thursday July 4
9:00-18:30 Following of SESSION 1 of PRACTICAL WORKSHOP
Day 5 | Friday July 5
9:00-17:30 Following of SESSION 1 of PRACTICAL WORKSHOP
Planning of the second week (July 8-12)
Day 8 | Monday July 8
9:30-10:30 Functional categories and properties of membrane transport proteins (Hervé Sentenac)
10:30-11:30 Structure/function relationship of transport systems (Lionel Verdoucq)
14:00-15:00 Conference 1 - Ana Assunção (BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Porto, Portugal) "Zinc sensing in plants”
15:00-16:00 Conference Peng Yu (University of Bonn, Germany) "Establishment and function of root system and its associated microbiome in maize”
16:30-17:30 Transceptors (Laurence Lejay)
Evening: Mistral Dinner
Day 9 | Tuesday July 9
9:30-10:30 Nutrient signaling networks in plants under climate change (Antoine Martin)
10:30-11:30 Water transport: from aquaporins to whole plant hydraulics (Yann Boursiac)
14:00-15:00 Conference 3 (to be confirmed)
15:30-16:30 Phenotyping the adaptive root development to water and nutrient availability (Philippe Nacry)
16:30-17:30 Nutrient exchange and adaptation to environmental stress in plant-fungal interactions (Sabine Zimmermann)
17:45-18:45 Round table
Day 10 to Day 12 lunch time | Wednesday July 10, Thursday July 11, Friday July 12 morning
Friday July 12 afternoon
14:00-16:00 Evaluation by attendees / Closure
The second half of both weeks of the school is devoted to practical training workshops (3 to 5 persons per workshop). Each attendee will be asked to follow 2 workshops that she/he has to select amongst the 6 possibilities listed below:
W1: Use of Ca2+ and ROS genetically encoded biosensors to unravel plant signaling in response to environment changes
Carine Alcon, Alexandre Martinière, Lionel Verdoucq, Tou Cheu Xiong (IPSiM, Montpellier)
W2: Voltage-clamp analyses of transporters and voltage-gated channels ("whole-cell" current recordings)
Martin Boeglin, Claire Corratgé-Faillie, Anne Aliénor Véry (IPSiM, Montpellier)
W3: Local ion concentration and flux measurements at the surface of plant roots using ion-selective microelectrodes
Martin Boeglin, Claire Corratgé-Faillie, Anne Aliénor Véry (IPSiM, Montpellier)
W4: Initiation to proteomics and phosphoproteomics
Valérie Rofidal, Nathalie Berger, Vincent Demolombe, Christian Dubos (Mass Spectrometry platform, IPSiM, Montpellier)
W5: Water transport across membranes, cells and organs.
Amandine Crabos, Fabrice Bauget, Philippe Nacry, Lionel Verdoucq, Yann Boursiac (IPSiM Montpellier)
W6: Yeast as a tool to study in vivo protein-protein interactions and functional complementation studies
Léon Dirick, Florence Vignols (IPSiM, Montpellier)
Anne-Aliénor Véry, Scientific and Pedagogical Committee Organizing committee, CNRS
Anne-Aliénor Véry, Scientific and Pedagogical Committee Organizing committee, CNRS
Martin Boeglin, Scientific and Pedagogical Committee Organizing committee, INRAE
Claire Corratge-Faillie, Scientific and Pedagogical Committee Organizing Committee, CNRS
Perrine Rudinger, Organizing committee, INRAE
Chantal Baracco, Organizing committee, INRAE
Carine Alcon, IPSiM, Montpellier
Alexis De Angeli, IPSiM, Montpellier
Fabrice Bauget, IPSiM, Montpellier
Nathalie Berger, IPSiM, Montpellier
Martin Boeglin, IPSiM, Montpellier
Yann Boursiac, IPSiM, Montpellier
Claire Corratgé-Faillie, IPSiM, Montpellier
Amandine Crabos, IPSiM, Montpellier
Vincent Demolombe-Liozu, IPSiM, Montpellier
Léon Dirick, IPSiM, Montpellier
Christian Dubos, IPSiM, Montpellier
Laurence Lejay, IPSiM, Montpellier
Stephane Mari, IPSiM, Montpellier
Antoine Martin, IPSiM, Montpellier
Alexandre Martinière-Delaunay, IPSiM, Montpellier
Christophe Maurel, IPSiM, Montpellier
Anna Medici, IPSiM, Montpellier
Philippe Nacry, IPSiM, Montpellier
Valérie Rofidal, IPSiM, Montpellier
Véronique Santoni, IPSiM, Montpellier
Hervé Sentenac, IPSiM, Montpellier
Lionel Verdoucq, IPSiM, Montpellier
Anne Aliénor Véry, IPSiM, Montpellier
Florence Vignols, IPSiM, Montpellier
Tou-Cheu Xiong, IPSiM, Montpellier
Sabine Zimmermann, IPSiM, Montpellier
Ana Assunção, BIOPOLIS-CIBIO, Porto, Portugal
Peng Yu, University of Bonn, Germany