A partnership of excellence
Joining of U.Porto in the Montpellier University of Excellence Consortium, with participation of CIBIO-InBIO, has been attracting media attention.

Joining of U.Porto in the Montpellier University of Excellence Consortium, with participation of CIBIO-InBIO, has been attracting media attention.
University of Porto and the University of Montpellier signed a collaborative agreement within the framework of the MUSE consortium. This initiative follows the long term collaboration between CIBIO-InBIO and the University of Montpellier which will now extend the activities to all U.Porto units. The activities will start with the establishment of a CIBIO-InBIO lab in Montpellier, to support the collaboration among U.Porto and the other institutions of the consortium.
The agreement signing, which has called media attention, represents one more step towards BIOPOLIS, an ambitious project that aims to team CIBIO-InBIO with the University of Montpellier in a world reference research center for biodiversity and sustainability.
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